Sunday, October 4, 2015

A Day With The Stray Dogs

I have heard people saying: Dog is man's best friend and yes they are one loyal friend too, but are we their friends too???

Recently I had this fantasy; what if dogs ever talked… and if they ever did then all funds will be drained to built prisons for mankind. I know they will have volumes to protest against the mankind. Had it been an agreement of mutual benefits signed 30,000 years ago when dogs were domesticated, human kept none of those clauses.

History of animal domestication says; during the most recent Ice age there lived two superior hunters, Wolves and human. Humans and wolves are competing for the same prey, but there are advantages for both in teaming up. For the wolf, human ingenuity and the use of weapons mean a share in a greater number of kills and for humans, the wolf's speed and wildness is a new weapon.  For the mutual benefits in teaming up, human kinds nurtured the young cubs and these cubs soon learnt the rules of human society. That’s how all dogs are of wolf’s origin.

Upon teaming up these wild brothers of mankind served us well, showed us their love and of all they had been the most loyal…

With roads at door step, electric fencing and CC Camera for security in human life, their utility to mankind became minimal and thus not required. People trend to hate the presence of their ancestral friends and to my quite surprise I have seen the cruelty of mankind here. Some people pour hot water on dogs when they come begging for food and some kept a sharp object to hit them. I have also seen those people in so much of a celebrative mood upon hurting those innocent animals.

Picture of he Dogs being injected by Mr. TN Timsina (Animal Husbandry officer, Dophuchen)

Recently my school became a hideaway Paradise for dogs, kindness of equally innocent kids and left over to feed on has turned this place into a dog paradise. Upon close gaze I observed some dogs suffer from the results of human cruelty while others suffer from Dermatitis. Dermatitis is a common skin condition caused by inflammation of the skin. There are several different forms of dermatitis but all are caused by the skin reacting to allergens or irritants. Long rainy season is one main cause of the disease here and in long run the dogs lose their fur, wounds get worse and foul smell dilutes the air where ever the go until death bless them.

The danger of spreading it to kids here is risks losing their paradise; so I gathered a group of young warm hearts to save their lives and paradise. With the help of those boys and Mr. TN Timsina (Gewog Animal Husbandry Officer, Dophuchen Gewog) we undertook a short campaign to inject those infected and wounded dogs against Dermatitis and Maggots in wounds. It was successful and I am very happy with the task.
warm hearted Volunteers from Class VII 'B"... 
Upon completion of task I called all the volunteers and told them the best service is something that you do without expecting anything in return and that’s what you all did, I applauded them. I also told them we should take care of existing ones while we control their population too as none wants them now.

Are we Tshethar Tshopas now? A boy questioned me. “Yes we are but with zero account and there’s no need of it too;” I said.

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