Tuesday, March 24, 2015

why do i write...?

  1. 1.      Writing is my passion. I do not leave my passion I just live my passion.
  2. 2.      Writing offers me a platform to finally get to say what I can’t say out loud, in life.
  3. 3.      A daily writing habit gives me regular time to sweep my mind of forgotten tasks and ideas that have been fermenting in the back of my head without my knowledge.
  4. 4.      Writing allows me to get away from the constant low-quality input and output systems of day-to-day life, such as hear-says
  5. 5.      In a fast-paced society it’s easy to forget things like what you believe in and what you’re doing, So letting words flow out of my brain can introduce me to a part of myself that I have been covered to cope with everyday life
  6. 6.      I write as I call for good to substitute bad overtime,  
  7. 7.      I write to edify, as a educationalist myself I offer my point on any topic I come across if it benefits myself and others
  8. 8.      I love to write because it is a reminder of just how lucky and free I am to enjoy fundamental rights in my country
  9. 9.      I write as Writing presents me a chance each and every day to just sit with my thoughts and be still.
  10. I write to keep a memoir to look back many years from now and smile and smile and smile.......


  1. Welcome to blogsphere. Glad to see you in the blogging arena. It was good to read your reasons for writing. All the best and keep writing. Feed you blog with as many posts as possible and I'll read them all. I cant wait to read to next post. Find my blog at http://www.tnovice.blogspot.com/. But i must tell you that I have not been able to update it I am engaged in writing two research projects. The last post i did was on December 31 2014. I have not posted anything new since.

    1. Thank u la tshewang sir... it's such a grt pleasure n confidence boost to hear from u... Thanks

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